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+ First prize winners - Gold Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction - Europe, 2023 with «Infinito Delicias» / Madrid / Architectural project, urban and property research: Husos + elii /
Business plan, management and social innovation model and property research: Ultrazul / Client: Carasso Foundation. News on Archdaily
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+ «We Don't Want to Contribute to the Homogenization of the World Around Us». Interview with Husos by José Tomás Franco published in Archdaily (ENG). + Urbanisms of Remittances, (Re)productive houses in Dispersion. Book by Husos, Caniche Editorial. + (Synanthro)Love Shack, (Tele)Working Abode. Project by Husos in Archdaily. + Host and Nectar Home Atelier Garden Building (EJHNMC). Project by Husos in «The (architectural) masterpiece», Viceversa Magazine, article by Paula V. Álvarez. + «Urbanisms for Homeless Species». Article by Husos in Avery Shorts, a project of Columbia Books on Architecture and the City. + Host and Nectar Garden Building (EJHNMC). Project by Husos in Fan Club, curated by Fabrizio Gallanti, discussed by Andrés Jaque, Kvadrat Interwoven Magazine. + «The Architecture of the Everyday: Husos Architects on the Emergence of Migratory Urbanisms». Article of Husos work by Joanna Kloppenburg in Architizer.