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> Infinito Delicias

Madrid, Spain
2021 - Currently under construction

First prize - Gold winner Europe, Holcim Awards for sustainable construction, 2023.
News on Archdaily

Architectural design, urban and
property research:
Husos + elii
Business plan, management and social
innovation model and property research:
Fundación Daniel y Nina Carasso

This rehabilitation of a former industrial building is part of a comprehensive 360 co-design process for the Carasso Foundation's headquarters. It includes: space design, management, governance, identity, business model, and real estate search. Aiming to blend knowledge and forge alliances among urban stakeholders linked to art, education, and sustainable food—core values of the Foundation—it implements a new urban model in terms of environmental, social, and economic exemplarity. Main strategies include: permeability and interaction with the neighborhood through multipurpose spaces (37%) and an internal-external ring that articulates the complex. A significant portion of the structure is reused. The use of biomaterials and recycled elements is prioritized.

The design features a bioclimatic envelope to ensure comfort while minimizing the environmental impact of operational energy and air conditioning. Vegetation is used to climatically protect the interior and enhance urban biodiversity, engaging in the circular cycle of food production-consumption-preparation and composting, and making use of rainwater. Additionally, a complementary geothermal system is installed alongside a solar collection system, which will be part of a community energy project in the neighborhood. Energy management indicators are employed to make the use of solar energy visible, creating a green and energetic landscape on the rooftops to encourage neighborhood engagement in environmental issues.

Client: Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation /

Architectural project and urban and property research: Husos arquitecturas (Camilo García, Diego Barajas) + elii [architecture office] (Uriel Fogué, Eva Gil and Carlos Palacios) /

Business plan, management and social innovation model and property research: Ultrazul (Julia López Varela + Zuloark) /

Co-created, driven and funded by Fundación Carasso /

Construction: Empty / Agronomy and environmental services: with the collaboration of Heliconia / Installations, structures, bioclimatic and LCA projects: Socotec and Aiguasol / Preparation of the urban plan and urban planning advice: García de los Muros Arquitectos / Property and business model consultancy: AIGA /
Wooden façade consultancy: Grupo Gubia /
Collaborators Husos + elii: Almudena Tenorio, Sem Fernández, Álvaro Garrido, Ciaran Farren, Raquel Peña, Jeremy Schipper, Elena del Cura, Giulia Poma, Elena Taliano, Álvaro Heredia, Aníbal Arenas, Ilaria Sasdelli, Jimena Jaén, João Manfrinato, Teresa Martínez, Lucía Fernández, Ana López, Francisco Toré, Marta Vaquero, Raquel Cano, Gemma Barricarte, Juan Mateos, Mónica Palfy, Stefania Rasile, Sophia Iatrou / Collaborators Ultrazul: Sebastián Fernández Russomando, Azul Telecom, Nani Moré, Ainhoa Moreno, Lakook-CEAR, Deluz y Compañía, Fôret, Ansón y Bonet, Araceli Jaliff, Antonella Broglia, Larisa Cabañas, Juanito Jones, David Cárdenas, Leyre Romero, María Giselle Pérez, Javier Lorés, Juan Parodi, Irene Zugasti / 3D Images: Bruno Muñoz with Husos + elii / Other collaborators: preliminary LCA consultancy: Ecómetro / Photography:
Impresiones cotidianas (Juan Asolot) / Acknowledgements: Carlos Almela.